Lake Leon 8/5/09 - 8/8/09
Went back out at around 6:30 Friday morning but didn't have anything but a drum, which we chopped up for bait, and a nice sized bass. We didn't take the time to weigh the bass or pose it for a picture because we didn't want to give the wrong impression to any GW that might be watching, that fish went right back into the water ;) As we were rebaiting the jugs and re-positioning them we found that the channel actually got deeper as we headed into the middle of the stump field, closer to the bank. We found 8-10 ft deep water in the middle of those stumps. I went back early that afternoon and set out another 8 or so jugs with all shad.
The wind picked back up that afternoon so we couldn't get back out to run the jugs until Saturday morning. Though lots of bait was gone, there wasn't a single fish on any of those jugs that morning. I guess I'll have to chalk this one up to a full moon since I always get at least one channel on even dinky throw lines.